Mike Doucette 1369 days ago 
Fobo Bike 2 on Harley Davidson Streetglide with rubber valve stems.

I'm curious my SG has rubber valve stems, I put on the fobo bike 2 and after 1 ride I'm getting tire deflation on the front tire and won't give actual tire pressure. I take it it is better to replace the rubber valve stems with the metals ones?

应用程式版本 1.0.0
手机操作系统 Android 9 Pie
设备 Samsung A70
amir.salutica  1368 days ago

Dear Mike, Thank you for contacting FOBO, - Yes, please change to metal valves ,We recommend all of our customers to use our sensors with metal valves as rubber valves will degrade over time. - Ensure the clearance is enough so that sensors do not touch the other part of the bike such as the brake calibre . Best Regards Amir Bayati

philaxx58@gmail.com  630 days ago

I also have a new street glide. Salesman took my FOBOs off the old bike ( stratoliner) and installed them on my new 2023 with zero miles . FOBO did not work and started to leak air as I tried to screw them on better. Too new for rubber valve stem failure. Please advise.