Dennis Toth 1484 days ago 
Release Bike Sensors remotely?

Transferred FOBO Bike hardware to another (distant) party but failed to first use the APP to Release Bike Sensors which needs to be done in order for a new activation. Apparently the smart phone APP uses Bluetooth to communicate with the sensors which requires close proximity to the FOBO Bike hardware. As this is no longer possible, is there any method to remotely accomplish the Release Bike Sensors command?

应用程式版本 1.0.0
手机操作系统 iOS 13.3
设备 iPhone 7
bergfe450  1395 days ago

Hi. you have no doubt solved this by now. But i am having the same issue. I think Section 5.6 in this manual is what needs to happen. (and it doesn't seem to need the App to be near the sensors).