Fastcar 99 days ago 
Why is FOBO TIRE LITE not compatible with Motorcycles

Why is FOBO TIRE LITE not compatible with Motorcycles which your website states? Because there are 4 sensors? Can I mount the 4 sensors on two separate bikes? Any experience with mounting on general aviation tires?

应用程式版本 1.0.0
手机操作系统 iOS 15.1
设备 Iphone 14 pro max

Dear Fastcar, Thank you for contacting FOBO. Please note that the FOBO Tire Lite package contains 4 sensors and accessories designed for vehicles with 4 wheels, such as Cars, SUVs, and 4x4s. It is not compatible with bikes or the FOBO Bike 2 App. However, you can refer to the FOBO Bike 2 page in the below for TPMS in Bikes : We look forward to serving you better. Best regards, Customer Experience Team Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (a subsidiary of Salutica Berhad) 3 Jalan Zarib 6, Kawasan Perindustrian Zarib, 31500 Lahat, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia T +605 320 6886 F +605 322 2029 |

Amir Bayati  FOBO Admin 99 days ago

Dear Fastcar, Thank you for contacting FOBO. Please note that the FOBO Tire Lite package contains 4 sensors and accessories designed for vehicles with 4 wheels, such as Cars, SUVs, and 4x4s. It is not compatible with bikes or the FOBO Bike 2 App. However, you can refer to the FOBO Bike 2 page in the below for TPMS in Bikes : We look forward to serving you better. Best regards, Customer Experience Team Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (a subsidiary of Salutica Berhad) 3 Jalan Zarib 6, Kawasan Perindustrian Zarib, 31500 Lahat, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia T +605 320 6886 F +605 322 2029 |  94 days ago

Can the shipping address be added to Taiwan?