Lynn Blankenship 126 days ago 
Sensors not updating phone

When I first installed the sensors and app - everything seemed to go as planned. Initial readings were present and updated a time or two. It was then 3 or 4 days before I was within Bluetooth range of my bike. And remained so on a trip. I have not tried to loosen the sensor and retighten to force a reset. Questions: How often should it update? Do the sensors continually try to update whether the phone is within range or not? The last received update indicated both sensor batteries were at 100%. Do I have to be logged in to the website for updates to occur? Do I have to leave the App running in the background at all times, even when not near the bike? If so, can you indicate impact on phone battery?

应用程式版本 1.0.0
手机操作系统 Android 10
设备 Samsung A15 5G

Dear Lynn Blankenship, Thank you for writing here in the forum. The FOBO Bike 2 sensors advertise data every 2-3 minutes. Updating in the app is related to whether the app is running or your smartphone's Bluetooth functionality. You should only be logged in to the FOBO Bike 2 App and not the website. Please follow the troubleshooting steps below, which are designed to enhance Bluetooth performance for Android phones. After a few days of monitoring, kindly provide us with feedback on the results by reporting through the FOBO Bike 2 App and clicking on feedback: 1. Uninstall the FOBO Bike 2 App from your Android phone. 2. Reinstall the FOBO Bike 2 App from the Play Store and log in with your email. 3. Accept and allow all app permissions, especially turning on Bluetooth and location services for the FOBO Bike 2 App. 4. Ensure that the FOBO service is running in the background and appears in the phone notification panel when the app is running. 5. Disconnect your phone from other Bluetooth devices such as watches and headsets for testing performance. 6. Disable Power Saving mode in the Android battery settings. 7. Do not set optimized battery usage when using the FOBO Bike 2 App. To adjust this, follow these steps: Settings => Apps => FOBO Bike 2 App => Battery => Choose "Unrestricted" (not optimized as default). 8. Ensure that your smartphone's battery level is not less than 20%. 9. Remove the smartphone from any casing it may be in. 10. If the app still doesn't update data and the above steps do not resolve the issue, try rebooting the smartphone. We recommend monitoring the performance during some rides. If any issues persist, feel free to revert to us for further assistance. Best Regards, Customer Experience Team/ Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (a subsidiary of Salutica Berhad) 3 Jalan Zarib 6, Kawasan Perindustrian Zarib, 31500 Lahat, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia T  +605 320 6886   F  +605 322 2029 |

Amir Bayati  FOBO Admin 126 days ago

Dear Lynn Blankenship, Thank you for writing here in the forum. The FOBO Bike 2 sensors advertise data every 2-3 minutes. Updating in the app is related to whether the app is running or your smartphone's Bluetooth functionality. You should only be logged in to the FOBO Bike 2 App and not the website. Please follow the troubleshooting steps below, which are designed to enhance Bluetooth performance for Android phones. After a few days of monitoring, kindly provide us with feedback on the results by reporting through the FOBO Bike 2 App and clicking on feedback: 1. Uninstall the FOBO Bike 2 App from your Android phone. 2. Reinstall the FOBO Bike 2 App from the Play Store and log in with your email. 3. Accept and allow all app permissions, especially turning on Bluetooth and location services for the FOBO Bike 2 App. 4. Ensure that the FOBO service is running in the background and appears in the phone notification panel when the app is running. 5. Disconnect your phone from other Bluetooth devices such as watches and headsets for testing performance. 6. Disable Power Saving mode in the Android battery settings. 7. Do not set optimized battery usage when using the FOBO Bike 2 App. To adjust this, follow these steps: Settings => Apps => FOBO Bike 2 App => Battery => Choose "Unrestricted" (not optimized as default). 8. Ensure that your smartphone's battery level is not less than 20%. 9. Remove the smartphone from any casing it may be in. 10. If the app still doesn't update data and the above steps do not resolve the issue, try rebooting the smartphone. We recommend monitoring the performance during some rides. If any issues persist, feel free to revert to us for further assistance. Best Regards, Customer Experience Team/ Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (a subsidiary of Salutica Berhad) 3 Jalan Zarib 6, Kawasan Perindustrian Zarib, 31500 Lahat, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia T  +605 320 6886   F  +605 322 2029 |

Lynn Blankenship  126 days ago

Thank You for the prompt reply and excellent response. I didn't have to touch the sensors, simply uninstalling and reinstalling the app started/restarted the updating process. Both sensors are now providing updates. So far I'm very impressed and pleased with your product and company!

Lynn Blankenship  126 days ago

The front tire sensor seems to update a lot more frequently than the rear. Front tire is right is a minute or less in elapsed time, rear time is in the 2-5 minutes elapsed time, not sure why. But either frequency should be sufficient as long as it stays the same. Thinking the longer duration might even help extend battery life. Both batteries are still at 100% with the sensors installed for 5 days so far.