Polylawman 316 days ago 
2023 Canam Spyder RT

I need 4 TPMS’s for my Spyder RT Limited because it has an air bladder under the seat in the rear suspension. Is there a solution to add a 4th TPMS?

Additional Information
App Version 1.0.0
Mobile Operating System iOS 15
Device Iphone 12 Pro Max

Dear Polylawman, Thank you for your interest in purchasing FOBO products. We truly appreciate your business. We recommended you to purchase a FOBO BIKE 2 for Trike plus a single FOBO Bike 2 sensor for Air-Shock from our webstore in the below link : https://my-fobo.com/product-family/FOBO_BIKE_2_for_Trike If you have any questions or need further assistance during this process, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at "cx@my-fobo.com", We are here to assist you every step of the way. Once again, thank you for choosing FOBO. We look forward to fulfilling your order and providing you with a seamless shopping experience. Best Regards Amir Bayati Customer Experience | Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (a subsidiary of Salutica Berhad) 3 Jalan Zarib 6, Kawasan Perindustrian Zarib, 31500 Lahat, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia M +6016 787 3175 | my-fobo.salutica.com.my

Amir Bayati  FOBO Admin 316 days ago

Dear Polylawman, Thank you for your interest in purchasing FOBO products. We truly appreciate your business. We recommended you to purchase a FOBO BIKE 2 for Trike plus a single FOBO Bike 2 sensor for Air-Shock from our webstore in the below link : https://my-fobo.com/product-family/FOBO_BIKE_2_for_Trike If you have any questions or need further assistance during this process, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team at "cx@my-fobo.com", We are here to assist you every step of the way. Once again, thank you for choosing FOBO. We look forward to fulfilling your order and providing you with a seamless shopping experience. Best Regards Amir Bayati Customer Experience | Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (a subsidiary of Salutica Berhad) 3 Jalan Zarib 6, Kawasan Perindustrian Zarib, 31500 Lahat, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia M +6016 787 3175 | my-fobo.salutica.com.my

Polylawman  208 days ago

Thank you for your help. How will I montior all 4 sensors at the same time in the iPhone FOBO app

Polylawman  208 days ago

Can you add a 4th sensor to the Trike picture in the app?