613 days ago 
Pull Behind Trailer

I do not have an android. Do anyone know if the FOBO tire 2 which is what I am using on my motorcycle would be the same installation on my 12 inch pull behind motorcycle trailer

应用程式版本 1.0.0
手机操作系统 Android 9 Pie
设备 12 Mini
Amir Bayati  FOBO Admin 612 days ago

Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for contacting FOBO FOBO Bike 2 App have Bike's profile for 2 and 4 wheels Trailers, please click on “+” for add a bike’s profile then scroll screen from Right to Left to choose a Trailer profile according to your Trailer type,  Should you have any issue arise, you may revert to us for further assistance by writing an email to "" Best Regards Amir Bayati FOBO Support Team