Walter Tokich 930 days ago 
Alert Settings

Can you adjust the frequency of the alerts? Is there a way to silence alerts when not using the app?

应用程式版本 1.14.8
手机操作系统 Android 10
设备 Samsung Galaxy S9+
Amir Bayati  FOBO Admin 930 days ago

Dear Walter Tokich Thank you for contacting FOBO, You are not able to stop Alerts and notifications before fix them because of safety unless you just Disable FOBO Bike 2 service which is running in the background and appearing in the phone notification panel when the App is running in Android devices or Logout from App in general setting page.   Hope this explains, if you have any issue arise, you may revert to us for further assistance with writing an email to Best Regards Amir Bayati FOBO Support Team  413 days ago

This is a problem for me. My Bike sits in my garage which is right next to the bedroom. MY iPhone sits on my nightstand and it is close enough that I will get a low tire notification sometimes at very early hours. There needs to be a way to silence alarms during certain times I use a sleep focus, which is set to not allow any notifications from apps during that time but the tire sensor overrides that.  405 days ago

I found a solution for me anyway. I added an automation that when I put the phone in Sleep focus it turns off Bluetooth. No more alerts.